About Benjamin Crozat
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
Whether PHP is dead is a matter of numbers, not opinions. I will provide you with essential statistics that will lead you to make better decisions.
Demystify AI! Get a simplified peek into GPT, the powerful language model, and explore its potential and challenges for the future of technology.
Using a well-known Large Language Model, I managed to summarize every session from WWDC23 that's related to web development.
Offer new ways to interact with your app to your users. Learn how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Laravel.
Dive into the history of Laravel. If you went away for some time, this is the right place to resume your journey.
Discover how the Tailwind CSS typography plugin can help you easily style text you don't control, such as content from CMS platforms.
Learn about Laravel, the people who use it, and the entrepreneurship spirit that made the framework one of the most profitable open-source projects ever.
Discover how the Tailwind CSS forms plugin can reset your forms to a consistent state across all browsers and make styling easier.
I show you how to upgrade your Laravel 8 project to version 9 and help you decide whether the return on investment is worth it.
I show you how to upgrade your Laravel 9 project to version 10 and help you decide whether the return on investment is worth it.
Smaller and even easier than Vue.js, setting up Alpine.js is as easy as copying and pasting a code snippet.
Laravel 11 was released on March 12th, 2024 and is packed with tons of new bits. Let's dive into every relevant new change and feature you need to know about.
This is the most comprehensive tutorial about Tailwind CSS. Learn how to make front-end development great again.
Looking to learn web development but don't know where to start? Check out our list of the best online paid and free platforms to get started!
Store and manage files on Dropbox and use it to back up your Laravel app automatically.
Nailing a Laravel job interview can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can set yourself up for success.
A soft delete in Laravel allows you to prevent mistakes by not removing sensitive data from your database right away.
Take your code to the next level, thanks to exceptions. Handle errors in a more graceful way within try and catch blocks.
Choose a cloud hosting provider for Laravel Forge and deploy your next Laravel project quickly and without any DevOps cost.
Laravel Collections make arrays more powerful and convenient to work with. This article provides tons of quick tips to instantly make your codebase better.
Learning a framework can be overwhelming, but time and execution will make you a master. Here are some best practices to help you toward your goal.