About Benjamin Crozat
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
Whether PHP is dead is a matter of numbers, not opinions. I will provide you with essential statistics that will lead you to make better decisions.
Improve your projects by leveraging the power of GPT, the famous language model, using PHP and OpenAI's REST API.
Here's a case study for my blog in the programming niche, where I share everything I did to increase clicks by a huge amount since the beginning.
PHP 8.3 was released on November 23, 2023, and as usual, you need to be up to date with new features and breaking changes for easier transitions.
There are multiple ways to check if an array is empty. Let me tell you about each of them and why and when you should use them.
Learn why and how to fix "Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP" warnings.
Learn why the "Using $this when not in object context" error happens, and let me show you the only way to fix.
Debugging requires dissecting everything. Here's a list of all the one-line built-in ways to print arrays in PHP (and even Laravel-specific helpers).
Learn why the "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" warning happens, and let me show you multiple ways to fix it.
To keep getting better with PHP, you should subscribe to as many quality blogs as possible. In this article, I share the ones I often read myself.
Laravel 10 has been released on February 14, 2023. Let's dive into every relevant new features and changes.
Migrations are essential in any Laravel app using a database. I will tell you what they are, why you should use them and how you can generate them.
When in doubt, clear the cache. In this article, you'll learn about how to clear every cache Laravel uses.