About Benjamin Crozat
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
Discover how to harness AI for rapid Laravel Factory generation, saving days of manual coding in massive codebases. Done smart, done right!
CSS, including selectors and property names, is case-sensitive; use lowercase for consistency and to avoid issues.
Discover how to boost the speed of your Laravel apps, mimicking an SPA, without building an API, using Livewire v3 and the new wire:navigate attribute.
Discover how Laravel simplifies database transactions, ensuring all-or-nothing operations and maintaining consistent database state.
Matthias Noback explores why refactoring isn't as risky as believed, even without tests. Discover how careful programming can lower risks.
Check out Stephen Rees-Carter's tips on avoiding compromised passwords and boosting security with tools like Pwned Passwords.
Once a fan, Frank de Jonge now suggests ditching mocking frameworks for real implementations to simplify code testing.
Check out FlappyPHPant, a fun Flappy Bird clone using PHP. It's a great way to learn complex programming concepts through gaming.
Alex Kondov shares insights on using databases effectively without complicating it with domain logic, with useful examples explored.
Discover how to craft an ever-present chat widget with Livewire v3's persistence features in Laravel - step-by-step guide included.
Secure your Laravel app: protect sensitive files, keep your packages and Laravel updated, use policies, validate input, and more.
Laravel Volt is a great new addition to Laravel's extensive ecosystem that brings single-file components à la Vue.js to Livewire. Let me help you get started.
Laravel Herd is a native macOS app that makes it even easier than Laravel Valet to get started with the framework.
Manipulate strings in PHP using the extremely useful str_replace() function.
Let's step up your code with a safer way of coding using PHP's Enumerations, or Enums. With this guide, you'll know everything there is to know about them.
I've been doing professional web development for more than ten years. Here are the tools I use daily in 2023 to create value.
Use your Mac as an ideal PHP environment thanks to the power of Laravel Valet. You can finally say goodbye to Docker!
Learn how to fix the "419 Page Expired" error in Laravel and understand exactly why it happens.
Laravel's application encryption key is mandatory for it to properly work. Let me show you why this error occurs and how to fix it.
Explore the world of PHP debugging with var_dump(), and Laravel's friendlier alternatives, dump() and dd(). Much charm, such useful!