About Benjamin Crozat
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
A recommendation of the best packages to use in any PHP project in 2024.
Finding good Laravel developers is hard. Let me help you with some recommendations.
Make an informed decision for your PHP applications thanks to my list of the best cloud hosting providers.
Whether PHP is dead is a matter of statistics, not opinions. I will provide you with essential statistics that will lead you to make better decisions.
A step-by-step guide to install Laravel on macOS using Composer or the official Laravel installer.
Improve the performances of your Laravel application by avoiding unnecessary re-renders of Livewire components.
Make an informed decision for your Laravel applications thanks to my list of the best cloud hosting providers.
Laravel's fake() helper is a powerful tool for generating fake data. Learn how to use it for seeding databases and prototyping.
Have you ever encountered the "1305 SAVEPOINT trans2 does not exist" error while running Laravel? I have a solution for you.
Learn how to effortlessly manage array validation in Laravel to ensure data integrity in your web applications.
The maintenance mode is like putting a "Be right back!" sign on your website. Learn how to get it going.
Working with numbers in your web applications just got a whole lot easier! Discover what's possible using Laravel's new Number helper.
HTML is not a programming language. But you can only make sense of this fact if you understand the logic behind it.
Discover a neat new addition to PHP 8.3 that will help express your intent: the Override attribute.
Discover Laravel Pulse, a free, open-source package offering real-time app monitoring, usage statistics, queue monitoring, and more.