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Laravel Podcasts

The best podcasts & interviews about Laravel

Benjamin Crozat
Published on Feb 25, 2023 0 comments Edit on GitHub
The best podcasts & interviews about Laravel


Laravel is one of a kind framework.

First, it’s thriving after more than 10 years of existence. There’s always something new about it, which makes it hard to keep up. Podcasts are a good way to help you with that.

Secondly, it’s also a business, thanks to its huge ecosystem of free and paid products. If you’re interested about this side of things, you will find the right interviews in this list.

Podcasts about Laravel

Laracasts Snippet

Laracasts Snippet

The Laracasts Snippet is made by Jeffrey Way, the creator of Laracasts.

Each episode is Jeffrey thinking out loud about something interesting.

It’s an interesting format and you will certainly like it!

Listen to Laracasts Snippet.

Laravel India Podcast

Laravel India Podcast

Laravel and web development tips, tricks and knowledge, by Sarthak Shrivastava.

Listen to the Laravel India Podcast

Laravel News Podcast

Laravel News Podcast

You certainly know Laravel News, the official news source about Laravel.

Jacob Bennett and Michael Dyrynda comment on all the new stuff happening regularly in the Laravel world.

Listen to the Laravel News Podcast.

Laravel Snippet

Laravel Snippet

The Laravel Snippet podcast is about Taylor talking about the behind-the-scenes in Laravel.

Listen to Laravel Snippet.

North Meets South

North Meets South

Jacob Bennett and Michael Dyrynda not only make the Laravel News podcast, but also North Meets South.

It’s basically two web developers, each living in a different hemisphere and with a 14.5 hours timezone difference.

Listen to North Meets South.



PHPUgly isn’t really about Laravel, but they talk about it in almost every episode, so I guess that’s fine. And I like them anyway.

This podcast is like being with your nerd friends and not taking anything too seriously.

Listen to PHPUgly.

The Laravel Podcast

Laravel Snippet

The Laravel Podcast, as its name implies, is Laravel’s official podcast.

Season 5 was all about Matt Stauffer interviewing the creators of the most popular packages in the Laravel ecosystem.

Listen to the Laravel Podcast.

Written and podcast interviews of major Laravel actors

Ask Me Anything About Laravel with Taylor Otwell

Ask Me Anything About Laravel with Taylor Otwell

This video is part of the Adeva Fireside chat Series, where we host talks with industry leaders, covering different tech-specific topics. We are super excited to have Laravel`s creator Taylor Otwell.

Taylor is here to answer your Laravel questions! Join us for an hour of open-ended Q&A with the creator of Laravel. We’ll cover everything about the latest Laravel version, chat about the news and trends, or address your concerns about the framework.

Watch “Ask Me Anything About Laravel with Taylor Otwell” on YouTube.

Creating an ecosystem for millions by building for yourself with Taylor Otwell of Laravel

Creating an ecosystem for millions by building for yourself with Taylor Otwell of Laravel

When Taylor Otwell first sat down to create Laravel, he had no idea it would be the seed of an ecosystem that would revitalize an entire programming language. He was just building it for himself. In the years to come, his “build it for myself” strategy would continue to pay off, resulting in numerous million-dollar products such as Forge, Envoy, Spark, and Nova.

In this episode Taylor and I discuss his strategy for turning his own problems into a source of product ideas; how to have extraordinary impact as a solo founder and self-described “regular guy; “and the almost-unfair benefits of building goodwill, trust, and community around your products and ideas.

Listen to “Creating an ecosystem for millions by building for yourself with Taylor Otwell of Laravel” on Indie Hackers.

Interview with Taylor Otwell and Joe Ferguson

Interview with Taylor Otwell and Joe Ferguson

Cal, Taylor and Joe talk PHP, Laravel, and Homestead.

Watch “Interview with Taylor Otwell and Joe Ferguson” on YouTube.

Laravel at Scale: Framework, Community & Ecosystem with Taylor Otwell

Laravel at Scale: Framework, Community & Ecosystem with Taylor Otwell

This video is part of Adeva Fireside chat Series, where we are hosting chats with industry leaders, covering different tech-specific topics. We are super excited for having Laravel`s creator Taylor Otwell, as our first guest.

In this session with Taylor, we dive fully into Laravel. How it all started, its powerful community and growth, as well as the ecosystem it created for developers. In addition, he answers a lot of questions we received from the attendees before and during the live session.

Watch “Laravel at Scale: Framework, Community & Ecosystem with Taylor Otwell” on YouTube.

Laravel DACH Meetup: Q&A with Laravel CEO Taylor Otwell

Laravel DACH Meetup: Q&A with Laravel CEO Taylor Otwell

At our Laravel Meetup in October, we had a special guest: Laravel CEO Taylor Otwell.

Watch “Laravel DACH Meetup: Q&A with Laravel CEO Taylor Otwell” on YouTube.

Laravel Origins: A PHP Documentary

Laravel Origins: A PHP Documentary

Featuring Laravel creator Taylor Otwell and many others who’ve contributed to making Laravel the technology and community that it is today, Laravel Origins tells the story of why Laravel came to be, how it’s grown over the last 10 years and what the future may hold for Taylor and the wider Laravel community.

Laravel Origins was filmed in late 2021, produced by OfferZen and directed by Dewald Brand, with shoots in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Egypt.

Credit to Romega Digital as well as the LaraconEU and StreamACon YouTube channels for the conference footage.

Watch “Laravel Origins: A PHP Documentary” on YouTube.

Taylor Otwell: the business of Laravel in 2022

Taylor Otwell: the business of Laravel in 2022

Taylor Otwell, is the founder of Laravel, a programming framework for PHP. But he’s also one of the most successful indie SaaS operators I know.

Listen to this Build Your SaaS episode “Taylor Otwell: the business of Laravel in 2022”

Taylor Otwell on Laravel vs Symfony Debate

Taylor Otwell on Laravel vs Symfony Debate

Taylor Otwell was interviewed by Cloudways (an affiliate of this blog by the way) about the debate between Laravel and Symfony, and the competition between PHP and JavaScript.

Read the interview on Cloudways’ blog.

Taylor Otwell - Serverless Laravel with Vapor

Taylor Otwell - Serverless Laravel with Vapor

In this episode, Adam talks to Taylor Otwell about Laravel Vapor, the new serverless platform for Laravel applications that was recently announced at Laracon US. Topics include:

  • What is serverless?
  • What AWS services Vapor manages and how they are billed
  • Using a single RDS instance with multiple databases
  • Understanding cold boots with Lambda and how to minimize the effect they have on your application’s performance
  • Performance on Vapor
  • How queues work with Vapor
  • Tuning your queue concurrency based on your database connection limit
  • Strategies for preventing your web instances and queue instances from competing for resources
  • How scheduled tasks work with Vapor
  • How file uploads work with Vapor
  • Limitations when running code on Lambda and strategies for working around them

Listen to the Full Stack Radio episode “Taylor Otwell - Serverless Laravel with Vapor”.

Taylor Otwell - Testing Laravel Applications

Taylor Otwell - Testing Laravel Applications

In this episode, Adam is joined by Taylor Otwell the creator of Laravel to talk about their approaches to testing Laravel applications. Topics include:

  • How their approaches have changed over time
  • Feature tests vs. unit tests, when to use each
  • Testing code that interacts with external services
  • Using fakes instead of mocks
  • Contract tests
  • Testing view data vs. rendered HTML

Listen to the Full Stack Radio episode “Taylor Otwell - Testing Laravel Applications”.

Taylor Otwell - Patterns for Simplifying Laravel Applications

Taylor Otwell - Patterns for Simplifying Laravel Applications

In this episode, Adam and Taylor Otwell have a discussion about strategies they use to write cleaner, simpler code when working with the Laravel framework.

Listen to the Full Stack Radio episode “Patterns for Simplifying Laravel Applications”.

Taylor Otwell - Building Envoyer, Laravel 5.1 and Learning to Program

Taylor Otwell - Building Envoyer, Laravel 5.1 and Learning to Program

In this episode, Adam talks to Taylor Otwell, creator of Laravel. Taylor gives an in-depth behind-the-scenes look at how Envoyer is architected, and shares some new tips and tricks he’s been using to keep his code simple. They also talk about the decisions behind upcoming changes in Laravel 5.1, how Taylor learned to program, and how he almost became the manager of a retirement home.

Listen to the Full Stack Radio episode “Taylor Otwell - Building Envoyer, Laravel 5.1 and Learning to Program”.

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