About Benjamin Crozat
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
Indie hacker, blogger, and AI enthusiast building things with the TALL stack. 🔥
You can learn more about Benjamin Crozat on their:
Bypass PHP's final keyword restriction with Unfinalize, a tool that safely removes final from classes and methods in third-party packages.
What's the current version of Laravel? Is there any LTS release you can rely on? And what about the history of the framework? Let's find out!
Convert PHP arrays to JSON with `json_encode()`. Ideal for data exchange, storing data, and API communication.
Unleash Laravel's query builder with my deep dive into the power of "where" clauses—triggering conditions, exclusions, JSON queries, and more.
Discover why Bun is revolutionizing package management in JavaScript. Learn how it outperforms NPM, Yarn, pnpm, and others in speed and efficiency.
Enjoy a faster workflow to build your front-end dependencies in your PHP projects, thanks to the package management abilities of Bun.
Enjoy a faster workflow to build your front-end dependencies in your Laravel projects, thanks to the package management abilities of Bun.
Master Laravel's Eloquent `orderBy()`. Explore multiple columns sorting, the advanced `orderByRaw()`, and `reorder()`.
Discover how to simplify your PHP code with the null coalescing and null coalescing assignment operators.
Discover how to use PHP code to effortlessly redirect your website's visitors to a different page. Explore the magic of HTTP.
Tim MacDonald challenges the notion that fast database queries are always better - see why in his intriguing Laravel feature walkthrough.
Discover how to check your version of PHP using phpinfo(), your terminal, Laravel's welcome page, or a Laravel Artisan command.
Exciting pull requests merged in Laravel, including improved testing, transaction fixes, and memory-efficient failed job providers!
PHP 8.4 is expected to drop on November 21, 2024. Let's review the known new features and changes.
Learn how to use Laravel's HTTP client for efficient error handling and exception throwing in different scenarios with ease.
Check out Laravel Lift, a package that enhances Eloquent Models and makes them more IDE-friendly - all thanks to Wendell Adriel.