Benjamin Crozat

Articles about "JavaScript"

Disable "packages are looking for funding" in NPM

Learn how you can disable the "packages are looking for funding" messages in your project or globally.

Handle clicks from your users using jQuery

Dive into the simplicity of handling click events with jQuery and learn how to achieve the same results using vanilla JavaScript.

Get started with jQuery in 5 minutes

Dive into the basics of jQuery, learn how to include it in your project, and create your first component in just a few minutes.

Understanding jQuery's .each() method

Learn how to use jQuery's `.each()` method to iterate over DOM elements and arrays, and discover a modern vanilla JavaScript alternative.

How and when to use jQuery's $(document).ready() method

In JavaScript, running code at the wrong time can lead to errors or unpredictable behavior. Let me show you the fix using jQuery.

Add Vue.js to any Laravel project

Let me walk you through adding Vue.js to your Laravel project and be done with it in 5 minutes.

Add Alpine.js to any Laravel project

Alpine.js is a great companion for a Laravel app. Let's see how you can add it in any project.

Bun: The Lightning-Fast Alternative to NPM, Yarn, and pnpm

Discover why Bun is revolutionizing package management in JavaScript. Learn how it outperforms NPM, Yarn, pnpm, and others in speed and efficiency.

Use Bun as your package manager in any PHP project

Enjoy a faster workflow to build your front-end dependencies in your PHP projects, thanks to the package management abilities of Bun.

Use Bun as Your Package Manager in Any Laravel Project

Enjoy a faster workflow to build your front-end dependencies in your Laravel projects, thanks to the package management abilities of Bun.

A summary of web related sessions from WWDC23

Using a well-known Large Language Model, I managed to summarize every session from WWDC23 that's related to web development.

Alpine.js: a lightweight framework for productive developers

Smaller and even easier than Vue.js, setting up Alpine.js is as easy as copying and pasting a code snippet.

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