The easiest way to get the current URL path in PHP

Get the path from the current URL
You can get the current URL path in PHP using the $_SERVER
superglobal. Here is a straightforward way to do it:
<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
key will give you the current URL path along with the query string (if any).
For example, if the current URL is, the above code will output /foo?bar=baz
$_SERVER contains everything about the URL’s path
Now that you have the solution, let’s break it down:
is a superglobal exposed by PHP, which means it is available in all scopes throughout a script. It contains information about headers, paths, and script locations. And it’s not the only superglobal you can use. -
is one of the elements of the$_SERVER
superglobal that contains the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It includes both the path and the query string.
Use var_dump()
and see for yourself all the valuable information it contains.
Use cases for the URL’s path
- Generating breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs are a secondary navigation aid that helps users understand their location in an application. PHP lets you use the current URL path to generate dynamic breadcrumbs.
- Highlighting the current page in a navigation menu: You can use the current URL path to compare with the menu items and highlight the active one dynamically.
- Redirection: You may want to redirect users to the same page after they perform an action (e.g., submit a form).