The best PHP blogs to read in 2024

Benjamin Crozat
Modified on Jan 21, 2024 1 comment Edit on GitHub
The best PHP blogs to read in 2024


I wouldn’t be where I am today without other developers sharing their knowledge for free through blogging.

Therefore, I present you a bunch of awesome PHP blogs from community members publishing interesting and valuable content. Get your RSS feeds aggregator and follow me!

(I will update this article each time I find a new PHP blog worth reading.)

The highest quality PHP blogs I know

Andreas Möller’s blog

Andreas Möller’s blog

Andreas Möller is a passionate PHP developer who always has something interesting to say about the language, its ecosystem and its usage. If you want to level up your skills, his blog is the place to be.

Ash Allen’s blog

Ash Allen’s blog

Ash is an active community member and freelancer who is passionate about his work. He contributes to open source, he writes books, he’s very present on X, and his blog is filled with tons of interesting insights.

David Carr’s blog

David Carr’s blog

David Carr is an incredibly kind and helpful PHP developer who’s very involved in the Laravel community. He writes often, he’s active on X (formerly Twitter) and he frequently goes to conferences. Add his blog into your feed aggregator, it’s worth it!

Frank de Jonge’s blog

Frank de Jonge’s blog

Frank is a well-known and super nice member of the PHP community. He has created the popular Flysystem PHP package, which is used in Laravel for instance, and always has great insights to share with other developers.

Freek Van der Herten’s blog

Freek Van der Herten’s blog

Freek Van der Herten is a well known PHP developer in the Laravel community. He is one of Spatie’s co-founders, which authored a massive amount of Laravel packages to help developers get shit done quicker.

Laravel Daily

Laravel Daily

Laravel Daily, written by Povilas Korop, is more than a blog.

Its content would take more than a life time to consume and there’s even more than that like free and premium videos, a newsletter, a jobs board, etc.

A must read for any Laravel developer. 🔥

Laravel News

Laravel News

Laravel News is one publication I read a lot. It was created back in 2012 by Eric Barnes and is the official source of news about the framework’s ecosystem. They also have a podcast and a newsletter.

If Laravel is your cup of tea, this is a must-read.

Matthias Noback’s blog

Matthias Noback’s blog

I recently discovered Matthias Noback’s blog. I don’t know much about him, but his articles are interesting.

Definitely a good add to my “PHP blogs” folder in my feeds aggregator. 👍

Tim MacDonald’s blog

Tim MacDonald’s blog

Tim is a core Laravel team member. At the time I’m writing these lines, he is trying to redesign PHP’s official website. His blog is interesting and should teach a thing or two even to the best of us.

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callpri Modified 1mo ago

I am using Codelobster IDE

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